Project Summary
The commune of Lambersart is located in the Hauts-de-France, in the Nord department. Integrated to the Lille metropolis, it adjoins the Bois-Blancs district. Since the 19th century, this suburb lined with meadows and the canal Deûle seduced the rich industrialists of the region for its quality of life. The architecture of Lambersart skilfully mixes the red brick facades typical of the region and Art Deco style villas inspired by the most beautiful seaside houses that line the avenue of the racecourse (Villa Saint-Charles, Villa Saint-Georges …). To participate in the communal life of 27,000 inhabitants, Lambersart has many municipal buildings and inquires to offer them a pleasant experience from the first steps inside these buildings.
Full Case Study
The town hall of Lambersart is a neoclassical building also known as the castle “le pré Fleuri”. Facing an aging interior, the municipality has begun a major renovation project. Rehabilitation of floors, walls, ceilings and interior refurbishments are undertaken since 2015 and are focused on the reception of the public.
The works on the ground floor of the building resulted in the creation of a hall of honor and its entrance. The contracting authority and the municipal technical services entrusted some of the finishing works to Rudant & Fils, an entity specializing in the second work that perpetuates quality know-how in the Lille region.
Design Goals
The first phase of the work focused on the main lobby. Marc-Philippe Daubresse, former mayor of Lambersart, had at the time insisted on the main objective of this central office: “Offer a better condition of reception and solve 80 to 85% of the requests of the inhabitants”.
To ensure the best reception experience for users of the town, the technical services have been directed to the mastery of work to the company Rudant & Fils. This local specialist, certified Qualibat, took care of the renovation of the grounds, the painting work and the installation of the carpets. Extensive experience in the renovation of public buildings has enabled the company to select reliable materials that are adapted to the environmental constraints of the project. In addition to welcoming the staff and residents of the town on a daily basis, the entrance to the town hall of Lambersart also serves the rooms where the communal meetings, weddings and municipal councils take place. The entrance to this building undergoes intense and constant traffic.
Appearance counts and it is the first steps in a building that shape public opinion. Official commemorations, ceremonies or simply welcoming newcomers must be done in a clean and maintained space. Particularly involved in its mission of public service, the municipality of Lambersart is vigilant on this point. The reception of the Town Hall was also to meet the security and accessibility standards (PMR) required for ERP buildings.